This documentation is automatically generated by competitive-verifier/competitive-verifier
// @brief Ordered Set
#define PROBLEM ""
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops")
#include "cp-algo/structures/fenwick_set.hpp"
#include "cp-algo/util/compress_coords.hpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using cp_algo::structures::fenwick_set;
void solve() {
int n, q;
cin >> n >> q;
vector a(n, 0);
vector<reference_wrapper<int>> coords;
for(auto &it: a) {
cin >> it;
vector queries(q, pair{0, 0});
for(auto &[t, x]: queries) {
cin >> t >> x;
if(t != 2) {
auto values = cp_algo::compress_coords(coords);
const int maxc = 1e6;
fenwick_set<maxc> me(a);
for(auto [t, x]: queries) {
if(t == 0) {
} else if(t == 1) {
} else if(t == 2) {
auto res = (int)me.find_by_order(x-1);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
} else if(t == 3) {
cout << me.order_of_key(x+1) << '\n';
} else if(t == 4) {
auto res = (int)me.pre_upper_bound(x);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
} else if(t == 5) {
auto res = (int)me.lower_bound(x);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
signed main() {
//freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
int t = 1;
while(t--) {
#line 1 "verify/structures/fenwick/ordered_set.test.cpp"
// @brief Ordered Set
#define PROBLEM ""
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast,unroll-loops")
#line 1 "cp-algo/structures/fenwick_set.hpp"
#line 1 "cp-algo/structures/fenwick.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
namespace cp_algo::structures {
template <typename Op>
struct inverse_op {};
template <typename T>
struct inverse_op<std::plus<T>> {
static T apply(T const& a, T const& b) {
return a - b;
template <typename T>
struct inverse_op<std::multiplies<T>> {
static T apply(T const& a, T const& b) {
return a / b;
template<typename T, std::ranges::range Container = std::vector<T>, typename Op = std::plus<T>>
struct fenwick {
Op op;
size_t n;
Container data;
fenwick(auto &&range, Op &&op = Op{}): op(std::move(op)) {
void to_prefix_folds() {
for(size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if(i + (i & -i) <= n) {
data[i + (i & -i)] = op(data[i + (i & -i)], data[i]);
void assign(auto &&range) {
n = size(range) - 1;
data = std::move(range);
void update(size_t x, T const& v) {
for(++x; x <= n; x += x & -x) {
data[x] = op(data[x], v);
// fold of [0, r)
T prefix_fold(size_t r) const {
assert(r <= n);
T res = {};
for(; r; r -= r & -r) {
res = op(res, data[r]);
return res;
// fold of [l, r)
T range_fold(size_t l, size_t r) const {
return inverse_op<Op>::apply(prefix_fold(r), prefix_fold(l));
// Last x s.t. prefix_fold(x) <= k
// Assumes prefix_fold is monotonic
// returns [x, prefix_fold(x)]
auto prefix_lower_bound(T k) const {
size_t x = 0;
T pref = {};
for(size_t i = std::bit_floor(n); i; i /= 2) {
if(x + i <= n && op(pref, data[x + i]) <= k) {
pref = op(pref, data[x + i]);
x += i;
return std::pair{x, pref};
template<std::ranges::range Container, typename Op>
fenwick(Container&&, Op&&) -> fenwick<std::ranges::range_value_t<Container>, Container, Op>;
template<std::ranges::range Container>
fenwick(Container&&) -> fenwick<std::ranges::range_value_t<Container>, Container>;
auto maxer = [](auto const& a, auto const& b) {
return std::max(a, b);
template<typename T, std::ranges::range Container = std::vector<T>>
struct fenwick_max: fenwick<T, Container, decltype(maxer)> {
using fenwick<T, Container, decltype(maxer)>::fenwick;
template<std::ranges::range Container>
fenwick_max(Container&&) -> fenwick_max<std::ranges::range_value_t<Container>, Container>;
#line 1 "cp-algo/structures/bit_array.hpp"
#line 1 "cp-algo/util/bit.hpp"
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <bit>
namespace cp_algo {
template<typename Uint>
constexpr size_t bit_width = sizeof(Uint) * 8;
size_t order_of_bit(auto x, size_t k) {
return k ? std::popcount(x << (bit_width<decltype(x)> - k)) : 0;
size_t kth_set_bit(uint64_t x, size_t k) {
return std::countr_zero(_pdep_u64(1ULL << k, x));
template<int fl = 0>
void with_bit_floor(size_t n, auto &&callback) {
if constexpr (fl >= 63) {
} else if (n >> (fl + 1)) {
with_bit_floor<fl + 1>(n, callback);
} else {
callback.template operator()<1ULL << fl>();
#line 4 "cp-algo/structures/bit_array.hpp"
namespace cp_algo::structures {
template<size_t N, typename Uint = uint64_t>
struct bit_array {
static constexpr size_t width = bit_width<Uint>;
static constexpr size_t blocks = N / width + 1;
std::array<Uint, blocks> data = {};
uint64_t word(size_t x) const {
return data[x];
void set(size_t x) {
data[x / width] |= 1ULL << (x % width);
void flip(size_t x) {
data[x / width] ^= 1ULL << (x % width);
bool test(size_t x) const {
return (data[x / width] >> (x % width)) & 1;
bool operator[](size_t x) const {
return test(x);
#line 5 "cp-algo/structures/fenwick_set.hpp"
namespace cp_algo::structures {
template<size_t maxc, typename Uint = uint64_t>
using popcount_array = std::array<int, maxc / bit_width<Uint> + 1>;
// fenwick-based set for [0, maxc)
template<size_t maxc, typename Uint = uint64_t>
struct fenwick_set: fenwick<int, popcount_array<maxc, Uint>> {
using Base = fenwick<int, popcount_array<maxc, Uint>>;
static constexpr size_t word = bit_width<Uint>;
size_t sz = 0;
bit_array<maxc, Uint> bits;
fenwick_set(): Base(popcount_array<maxc, Uint>{}) {}
fenwick_set(auto &&range): fenwick_set() {
for(auto x: range) {
Base::data[x / word + 1] += 1;
if(!bits.test(x)) {
void insert(size_t x) {
if(bits.test(x)) return;
Base::update(x / word, 1);
void erase(size_t x) {
if(!bits.test(x)) return;
Base::update(x / word, -1);
size_t order_of_key(size_t x) const {
return Base::prefix_fold(x / word) + order_of_bit(bits.word(x / word), x % word);
size_t find_by_order(size_t order) const {
if(order >= sz) {
return -1;
auto [x, pref] = Base::prefix_lower_bound((int)order);
return x * word + kth_set_bit(bits.word(x), order - pref);
size_t lower_bound(size_t x) const {
if(bits.test(x)) {return x;}
auto order = order_of_key(x);
return order < sz ? find_by_order(order) : -1;
size_t pre_upper_bound(size_t x) const {
if(bits.test(x)) {return x;}
auto order = order_of_key(x);
return order ? find_by_order(order - 1) : -1;
#line 1 "cp-algo/util/compress_coords.hpp"
#line 1 "cp-algo/util/sort.hpp"
#line 4 "cp-algo/util/sort.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <ranges>
#line 8 "cp-algo/util/sort.hpp"
namespace cp_algo {
template<size_t maxc>
void count_sort(auto &a, auto &&proj = std::identity{}) {
std::array<int, maxc> cnt = {};
for(auto &x: a) {
std::partial_sum(begin(cnt), end(cnt), begin(cnt));
auto res = a;
for(auto const& it: a | std::views::reverse) {
res[--cnt[proj(it)]] = it;
a = std::move(res);
void radix_sort(auto &a) {
if(empty(a)) {
auto [mn, mx] = std::ranges::minmax(a);
with_bit_floor<1>(size(a), [&]<size_t floor>() {
constexpr int base = std::min<size_t>(floor, 1 << 16);
for(int64_t i = 1; i <= mx - mn; i *= base) {
count_sort<base>(a, [&](auto x) {
return (x - mn) / i % base;
#line 5 "cp-algo/util/compress_coords.hpp"
namespace cp_algo {
// coords is a range of reference_wrapper<T>
auto compress_coords(auto &&coords) {
using T = std::decay_t<std::unwrap_reference_t<
std::vector<T> original;
if(empty(coords)) {
return original;
int idx = -1;
T prev = ~coords.front();
for(auto &x: coords) {
if(x != prev) {
prev = x;
x.get() = idx;
return original;
#line 6 "verify/structures/fenwick/ordered_set.test.cpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using cp_algo::structures::fenwick_set;
void solve() {
int n, q;
cin >> n >> q;
vector a(n, 0);
vector<reference_wrapper<int>> coords;
for(auto &it: a) {
cin >> it;
vector queries(q, pair{0, 0});
for(auto &[t, x]: queries) {
cin >> t >> x;
if(t != 2) {
auto values = cp_algo::compress_coords(coords);
const int maxc = 1e6;
fenwick_set<maxc> me(a);
for(auto [t, x]: queries) {
if(t == 0) {
} else if(t == 1) {
} else if(t == 2) {
auto res = (int)me.find_by_order(x-1);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
} else if(t == 3) {
cout << me.order_of_key(x+1) << '\n';
} else if(t == 4) {
auto res = (int)me.pre_upper_bound(x);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
} else if(t == 5) {
auto res = (int)me.lower_bound(x);
cout << (res == -1 ? -1 : values[res]) << '\n';
signed main() {
//freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
int t = 1;
while(t--) {
Env | Name | Status | Elapsed | Memory |
g++ | example_00 | AC | 5 ms | 4 MB |
g++ | example_01 | AC | 4 ms | 4 MB |
g++ | max_random_00 | AC | 88 ms | 15 MB |
g++ | max_random_01 | AC | 93 ms | 15 MB |
g++ | max_random_02 | AC | 70 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_03 | AC | 66 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_04 | AC | 78 ms | 8 MB |
g++ | max_random_05 | AC | 96 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_06 | AC | 97 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_07 | AC | 98 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_08 | AC | 97 ms | 15 MB |
g++ | max_random_09 | AC | 101 ms | 15 MB |
g++ | max_random_10 | AC | 73 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_11 | AC | 67 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_12 | AC | 89 ms | 8 MB |
g++ | max_random_13 | AC | 94 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_14 | AC | 111 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_15 | AC | 112 ms | 16 MB |
g++ | max_random_16 | AC | 137 ms | 25 MB |
g++ | max_random_17 | AC | 147 ms | 25 MB |
g++ | max_random_18 | AC | 119 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_19 | AC | 115 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_20 | AC | 139 ms | 18 MB |
g++ | max_random_21 | AC | 136 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_22 | AC | 150 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_23 | AC | 143 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_24 | AC | 143 ms | 25 MB |
g++ | max_random_25 | AC | 149 ms | 25 MB |
g++ | max_random_26 | AC | 121 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_27 | AC | 117 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_28 | AC | 147 ms | 18 MB |
g++ | max_random_29 | AC | 141 ms | 28 MB |
g++ | max_random_30 | AC | 164 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | max_random_31 | AC | 166 ms | 26 MB |
g++ | small_00 | AC | 65 ms | 14 MB |
g++ | small_01 | AC | 70 ms | 15 MB |
g++ | small_02 | AC | 70 ms | 15 MB |